
You Just Won’t Believe the Jaw-Dropping Price Swings of These 10 Utterly Meaningless Digital Tokens That Are Literally Worth Less Than a Sack of Potatoes

An illustration of a seesaw with Bitcoin at one end and altcoins at the other, as if they are being weighed against each other; in the background, prices swing wildly like pendulums on either side of equilibrium; above them, a graph shows price movements over time, dipping down sharply to indicate potential losses

The thrill of watching a bunch of rich guys bet their money on digital tokens with no intrinsic value never gets old! It’s like watching a group of high-rollers at a Vegas casino, but instead of roulette tables, they’re betting on whether or not some random blockchain will become the next Bitcoin. And just as in any good game of chance, there are winners and losers – except that here, everyone loses because it’s all based on speculation.

Source: cointelegraph

Bitcoin (BTC) has been stuck in a sideways price action phase for several months, but that has not stopped institutional investors from buying. According to K33 Research senior analyst Vetle Lunde, more than 262 new firms invested in the United States spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) during the second quarter of 2024. It is encouraging to note that the institutional investors have largely held on to their positions or increased […]


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