
Web 3 Gaming Revolution – Because What Gamers Really Need Is More Overpriced NFT Bullshit

An illustration depicting three game developers standing on stage at an empty conference hall. They are all wearing futuristic outfits with glowing accents that reflect their company logos: Anomaly Games, World3, Helika. The background is filled with screens displaying various Web 3 gaming elements such as blockchain chains and cryptocurrency symbols while the foreground shows a large pile of NFTs spilling out from under the stage. A faint image of Telegram's logo can be seen in the top right corner.

Well, well. The future of Web 3 gaming is here – or at least that’s what these crypto bros want you to think! They’re peddling their blockchain-based nonsense as some kind of revolution for gamers everywhere. But let me tell you something: it’s just more hot air from the cryptocurrency bubble

Source: cointelegraph

Executives from World3, Helika, and Anomaly Games took the stage at this year’s Blockchain Futurist Conference in Toronto, Canada to discuss the current state and future of Web3 gaming. Long Do, CEO of Anomaly Games, opened up by explaining his company's focus on abstracting away the highly technical components of the blockchain experience so that users would not even know they were engaging with blockchain systems. The CEO then turned […]


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