
North Carolina Governor Vetoes Bill Banning State Use of Central Bank Digital Currencies Because Clearly He Has No Idea What They Are Either

An illustration: A confused-looking governor sits at his desk with papers scattered around him; a large clock ticks away on the wall behind as he holds up one hand to stop time. In front of him is an open book titled "Central Bank Digital Currencies" but it's upside down and has several pages torn out, while in the background there are two figures - one representing progress with a digital tablet under their arm walking towards the governor from afar; another figure represents caution holding up a shield to protect against potential threats.

Crypto bros are at it again! Trying to ban something they don’t understand because it’s “central bank” (code for: scary government). Meanwhile, actual experts like jstolfi and Jemima Kelly have been warning us about the dangers of CBDCs. But hey, who needs facts when you’ve got a bunch of conspiracy theories floating around? The governor is right to veto this bill – it’s premature and reactionary


The governor of the U.S. state of North Carolina has vetoed House Bill 690, which seeks to ban state payments using central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the state’s participation in the Federal Reserve’s CBDC testing. The governor argued the bill was premature and emphasized the need for more funding for cybersecurity. Roy Cooper, Governor of the U.S. state of North Carolina, has vetoed House Bill 690 (HB 690), titled […]


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