
Messari Declares Independence From Reality and Realizes That Being a Whiny Little Rich Kid Is Not as Fun Without an Audience

An illustration of a proud-looking kid standing on top of an American flag with his arms raised in defiance while being chased by angry regulators represented as wolves wearing business suits. The background is filled with flames and smoke indicating conflict or war. In one hand he holds a megaphone that has been torn apart, suggesting the loss of voice for his cause. A large blockchain symbol floats above him representing modern technologies mentioned in the article.  He wears a crown made from dollar signs signifying wealth but also implying arrogance.

It seems like Ryan Selkis is finally realizing that cryptocurrency is a joke – not because it’s some revolutionary new technology (it isn’t), but because of how poorly regulated it is. And who can blame him? The SEC has been letting crypto companies run amok for years now, with little to no oversight or enforcement


Crypto intelligence platform Messari has declared independence from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CEO Ryan Selkis calls SEC Chair Gary Gensler incompetent and corrupt. Messari plans to challenge the SEC’s legitimacy through legal, congressional, and media avenues, arguing that modern technologies render the agency’s functions redundant and that private market actors are better suited to meet public needs. U.S.-based crypto intelligence platform Messari has declared independence from the […]


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