
HTX Ventures Spends Entire Budget on Stuff Nobody Asked For, Still Calls It a Strategic Masterstroke

An illustration of a large Bitcoin sitting at a poker table surrounded by empty chairs and scattered playing cards, with six smaller Bitcoins each representing a different area of focus for HTX Ventures (BTCFi, multichain infrastructure, etc.) standing around it looking confused or disinterested; in the background, a graph showing slow growth

The never-ending parade of crypto bros touting their “strategic investments” and “blockchain innovation”. Let’s take a closer look at this half-baked report from HTX Ventures, shall we? They’ve invested in 23 projects across six key areas (because who needs focus when you can spread yourself thin?), including Bitcoin decentralized finance (BTCFi), because apparently the world was missing out on smart contract capabilities for good ol’ BTC. And by “missing”, I mean nobody asked for it.

Source: cointelegraph

HTX Ventures has released its 2024 Half-Year Investment Report, outlining its strategic investments and focus areas for the first half of the year. As a significant player in the blockchain venture capital (VC) sector, HTX Ventures targeted six key areas and invested in 23 projects to drive innovation and address the core challenges of Web3, as shown in the Figure below. One of the core areas of focus for HTX […]


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