
Cryptocurrency Scams: Because Apparently We Need Someone Officially Telling Us Not to Give Our Money Away

An illustration of a person frantically digging through piles of worthless coins and papers while being chased by a giant tax bill monster, amidst a background of crumbling financial stability.

Well, it’s about time someone warned the gullible masses that cryptocurrency scams are a thing! A Washington State regulator has finally seen fit to issue a warning about potential crypto fraud involving some dodgy mining platform and wallet. Because who needs actual regulation when you’ve got ‘buyer beware’ as your only protection? I mean seriously, folks, it’s not like the scammers were going to magically stop scamming because we all held our breaths in anticipation of someone doing their job.


The Washington State financial regulator has issued a warning about potential cryptocurrency fraud involving a mining platform and wallet. A Washington investor was scammed out of over $750,000 after investing. Despite the investment supposedly growing to $1.4 million, the investor faced continuous demands for taxes and fees. The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) announced on Monday that it has received a complaint regarding a possible fraudulent cryptocurrency mining […]


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