
Crypto ATM Operators Finally Get Slapped Down by Lawmakers: About Time Someone Warned Grandma Not to Send Her Life Savings Up in Flames

An illustration of an elderly woman standing in front of a Bitcoin ATM with a worried expression on her face and dollar bills flying away from the machine into flames. In the background, a group of shadowy figures are shown trying to scam others at another nearby ATM.

US lawmakers are finally catching on – cryptocurrency is a scam! Or at least the crypto ATMs that fleece elderly Americans for millions of dollars. I mean, who needs to warn people about scams when you can just slap up an ATM in their local convenience store and watch as they send all their life savings down the drain? It’s not like it’s happening every day or anything… The FTC says $65 million was lost on crypto ATMs in the first half of this year, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the estimated $5.6 billion lost to crypto fraud last year alone. And let me guess – most of those victims are probably over 60, because who needs financial literacy when you’ve got Bitcoin? I mean seriously though, it’s about time someone took these companies to task for their predatory practices.

Source: cointelegraph

A group of United States Senate Democrats led by Majority Whip and Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin has urged 10 of the country’s largest crypto ATM operators to immediately tackle fraud and protect elderly Americans. In a Sept. 12 statement, seven Democratic Senators, including Elizabeth Warren, cited Federal Trade Commission data noting that fraud losses from Bitcoin ATMs (BTMs) reached $65 million in the first half of this year. […]


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