
Cross Border Payments Just Got 8.5 Million Times More Complicated Using a Stablecoin That’ll Make You Wonder Why We’re Still Talking About This in the First Place

An illustration of a Brazilian flag being pulled apart by two opposing forces: one force is holding onto it with a traditional payment rail (SWIFT) rope tied around their waist while another force holds onto USDC stablecoin ropes, both trying to pull in opposite directions as they stand on either side of the Rio Grande river. The background features Latin American countries and cities represented by tiny flags waving gently in the wind. A small boat sails across the river carrying a crate labeled "Cross Border Payments".

Another day, another crypto bros’ wet dream about making cross-border payments easier with USDC – because nothing says “easy” like using a stablecoin that’s only useful for people who want to gamble in cryptocurrency markets or pay high fees for transactions


Caliza, a fintech company headquartered in the U.S. but focused on Latam, has raised $8.5 million in a funding round led by Initialized, seeking to expand the reach of its foothold in Brazil. The company offers B2B solutions focusing on USDC, Circle’s regulated stablecoin, providing rails for easing cross-border payments for its customers. Alternative payment services thrive in Latin America due to their advantages compared to traditional payment rails. Caliza, […]


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