
Consensys Demands Court Declares Software Interfaces Are Magical and Beyond the Grasp of Mere Mortal Regulators

An illustration: A wizard stands in front of an imposing castle with gates wide open; he holds up his hands to shield himself from falling debris. The walls are cracked but still standing, while rubble lies scattered at their base. In one corner a large stone is inscribed 'SEC' and another has the words 'Consensys'. On top of the wall stands a figure holding an axe with sparks flying off it; in its other hand there's a scroll unrolling as if being pulled by some unseen force, revealing lines that resemble code or runes.

The crypto bros are at it again! This time Consensys is challenging the SEC in court because they think their precious Metamask software interface shouldn’t be regulated. Oh please, what’s next? Are we going to see a lawsuit from Buterin himself claiming that his Vitalik’s Visionary Visions should not be considered securities


Consensys Software has issued a statement addressing U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charges accusing the company of unregistered securities offerings through Metamask staking and swaps. Consensys contends the SEC’s actions are regulatory overreach and vows to defend its position in court, emphasizing the broader implications for the web3 ecosystem. On Friday, Consensys Software issued a statement addressing the charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The […]


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