
CBOE to Officially Launch 5 New Ethereal Fantasy Landscapes This Tuesday Because You Clearly Need More Ways to Lose Your Shirt

An illustration: A fantasy landscape with five glowing mushrooms sprouting from a misty forest floor; each mushroom is surrounded by swirling clouds and stars in different colors. In the background, an ethereal castle rises into the sky as if made of pure light. The scene glows softly under starlight. Five wispy dragons soar above the treetops, their paths intersecting with shooting stars that streak across the night sky. A crescent moon casts a gentle glow on the landscape below. In the distance, an eerie mist swirls around ancient ruins overgrown by vines and moss.

The crypto bros are at it again! They’re so excited about their precious new Ether ETFs being listed on Cboe and BZX Exchange. Whoop-de-doo! As if anyone actually cares about these overpriced financial products that only serve to fuel the get-rich-quick schemes of gullible idiots


Cboe, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, is preparing to list five new ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on Tuesday, pending regulatory effectiveness. These five spot ethereum ETFs are from 21shares, Fidelity, Franklin, Invesco Galaxy, and Vaneck. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved Form 19b-4 filings for eight spot ether ETFs in May and has since been working with issuers to get their fund registration statements effective. Cboe, the Chicago […]


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