
Blockchain Startups Still Raking It In: Investors Willingly Hand Over Millions to Fund More Unproven, Unsustainable Ideas Because Sanity Is Optional

A comic illustration of a person throwing money into a void labeled 'Blockchain Startups' while another figure in the background looks on with optimism despite chaos around them.

Just another VC Roundup: Blockchain startups are still managing to raise big bucks in August despite fewer deals being closed with venture capitalists. Because what could possibly go wrong when layer-1 blockchains designed for intellectual property management, decentralized wireless internet and blockchain-based games get millions of dollars from investors? PIP Labs raised $80 million for its Story Protocol while Andrena secured $18 million to offer decentralized wireless internet – because who needs a stable business model or actual product development costs when you can just throw money at it. The ecosystem is also welcoming new funds targeting Web3 startups, including Parafi Capital’s $120 million crypto fund and Open Network Ventures’ $40 million fund for early-stage projects within the TON ecosystem. Because we all know that throwing even more money into this black hole will somehow magically solve the liquidity challenges in DeFi or improve Solana’s network infrastructure.

Source: cointelegraph

Blockchain-based protocols are closing the third quarter of 2024 with fewer deals with venture capitalists but still, high-value funding raises and optimism across the industry.  August alone has seen a number of Web3 startups securing big checks. PIP Labs, for instance, raised $80 million for its Story Protocol, hitting a $2.25 billion valuation in its Series B round. Backers of the layer-1 blockchain designed for managing intellectual property include a16z […]


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