
Bitwise Unveils Utterly Underwhelming Revelation That Somehow Still Manages to Bore Us All Into Oblivion

An illustration featuring a person yawning while sitting in front of their computer screen displaying an endless list of Ethereum Name Service subnames and wallet addresses; nearby is another monitor showing a graph that appears to be flatlining, representing uneventful data. The room around them is dimly lit with shadows cast on the walls as if time has stood still since they last looked away from the screens. A faint glow emanates from their computer equipment in an otherwise darkened space;

It looks like Bitwise is trying to convince us that transparency in cryptocurrency is a unique feature – newsflash: it’s just an attempt at damage control after years of being called out for their shady business practices! They’re basically saying, “Hey look over here, we’ve got ENS subnames and Ethereum addresses on display!” Meanwhile, what about all the other ETFs that have been quietly siphoning off investor funds without any accountability? Give me a break


On Tuesday, Bitwise Investments disclosed a collection of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) subnames for its ethereum reserve holding wallets. Bitwise emphasized that this level of transparency is unique to cryptocurrency, allowing the public to easily verify the firm’s net assets. At 7:50 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, a little more than an hour before the spot ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) began trading at 9:30 a.m., Bitwise posted its ethereum addresses on […]


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